What a man can and can not do
a man is defined by what he can and can not do
practicing the piano
play the note or not
on the skateboard
land it or not
causing a slip up
are you a screw up
recalling a memory
but stuck at the tip of the tongue
where else can you search
on what edges does the mind perch
latches on and doesn't let go
you remember it or you don't
you take the risk or you don't
you meet her or you don't
are you there or not
did you go or not
be grateful for how it changed you or stay on the same trajectory
where the possible path is impossible to be imagined
what rules matter
asking for permission
can you break them
did you break them
maybe it's not easy to say
practicing your craft every day
why doesn't it hurt you like it does for everyone else
why does it hurt you just like for everyone else
do you hold in tears nobody can here or can't explain why
some don't think about it
very carefully
looking closely and backing up far
tautologies tautologies
dead or alive
is it true or not
in between the black and the white
are shades of gray
and spreads of color
merely four chords
create a melody
recreate a memory
even with horrible singing
complex mind and body connections dancing at play
some things must not be reduced into either or
mind the context green light go! and god complex
know when to slow down and when to let go
this poem is inspired by playing the piano too much, wanting to learn skating, what no one tells you about losing a parent... by Liz Zorn, How We Met At The Holocaust Musuem by h3h3Productions, quote by Jack Sparrow, and 10th grade poetry.
written on the midnight going into 1/29/2022